Monday, February 27, 2017

A Glimpse of Heaven

In a world full of so much turmoil how can we even begin to think we can accomplish the "Mission Possible" that I base this blog around? How can we expect to make a real difference in the way the world is when the good seems outweighed by the bad in so many regards? While this post is a heavily Bible-based one, I think these two principles apply to the world as a whole, even if you are reading this and are not of the Christian faith. So how can we capture a glimpse of heaven in a fallen earth? Here are two suggestions that I've really fixated on in my preparation for leaving my home to live in another culture.


I'm finally in Peru now (which took longer than expected, as I will share in another post later)! I have said goodbye to so very many people in the last few weeks, and I'm thankful for that because it means that my lifelong support system is rock solid. This is exactly what my Lord had in mind when he established the church. I've got friends I've left behind in the states, but I was also welcomed by friends in Cusco! Read this... 

"So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. In him you also are being built together into a dwelling place for God by the Spirit." ~ Ephesians 2:19-22

This is a family bound by the strongest cords there are - the blood of Christ. We grow together as a whole structure stabilized and held firm by Jesus, the cornerstone, the head. We are a body, working together toward one common goal. One part cannot continue without the other part of the body (I Corinthians 12:12-27). There is nothing that can tear apart these strong relationships, though as humans we tend to be self-destructive in our relationships due to petty problems, selfishness, and impatience. But when we submit to one another - with each party in the relationship putting themselves intentionally below the other in their minds - this fixes a lot of problems before they ever even come up in the first place (Ephesians 5:21 & 29-30). This goes along with the 2nd point if you want to scroll down and cheat.

No Christian can be an island on his own. Honestly, no person, whether a Christian or not, can be an island. Often, we want to handle things on our own and be independent for whatever reason - often pride. But we are told to "encourage one another and build one another up" in I Thessalonians 5:11. God knows there's a better way, and He wants the best for us. When King Nebuchadnezzar gave an order to kill the wise men in Babylon (which included Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego), Daniel did not try and handle the problem on his own, independently from his support system (or independently from God in heaven). Chapter 2:16-18 shows that they were a team: 

"So Daniel went in and asked the king to give him time, that he might tell the king the interpretation. Then Daniel went to his house, and made the decision known to Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, his companions, that they might seek mercies from the God of heaven concerning this secret, so that Daniel and his companions might not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon." 

Together they prayed and praised. Together they purposed in their hearts not to defile themselves with unclean food. Together they went into the fiery furnace and came out again.

This must be what heaven is like - having friends on either side of that journey from life on earth to life eternally in heaven just like I have precious friends both at home in the United States and in my new home in Cusco. After all, God told us that "everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life." ~ Matthew 19:29 

Of course, it's only a glimmer, but I see a little bit of God, a glimpse of heaven in every one of you who have said kind words to me, helped me prepare, provided funds, or prayed for me. It means more than you can know, and it made leaving easier and harder at the same time! You've encouraged me and given me strength by letting God use you in this way - to touch my life. Thank you to all of you! I have really been reminded of this verse lately: 

"No one has seen God at any time. If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us." Thank you for showing me God's perfect love through your lives. Take time today to nurture your relationships with others! They are important and worth it, even when there are struggles or problems to work through. 


You can see straight through transparent materials, so they're obviously worthless...right? Windows, light bulbs, telescopes, contact lenses, magnifying glasses, lamination - the transparency doesn't really matter. Let's just replace them all with wood.

Now obviously, I'm being facetious. Why do we have transparent things? Well, to be able to see through them, of course!

Let's think about that light bulb for a minute. When you see a light bulb, you don’t look at the bulb itself. At first glance, you notice the light within instead. This would not be so if that light bulb were not transparent. Paint that same light bulb black and what do you notice first? You see only the bulb, the outer covering, which was never meant to be the center of the device’s attention! It's the same with us as people created in the image of God. When people see you, what do they notice first? Is it the bulb or the light shining within?

"For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us." ~ II Corinthians 4:5-7

Let's go back to Daniel and his friends again. After they prayed for God to reveal the king's dream to Daniel and deliver them from death, Daniel immediately praised God, and the way he prayed to Him is truly inspiring!

"Blessed is the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His, and He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. He reveals deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him. I thank you and praise You, O God of my fathers; You have given me wisdom and might, and have now made known to me what we asked of You, for You have made known to us the king's command."

He knows! He knows what's in the darkness, and he doesn't want that for us! Clearly, God is the source for everything good in the world! Picture yourself as a light bulb (I know, it’s strange). Picture every person on earth as a light bulb. God is the source of light, and we are the bulbs carrying that light around in the world so that others can see and come out of darkness. Some bulbs are turned off and have no light to give. Some bulbs are painted black though a light is within, hidden. Some bulbs are transparent and shining outwardly. In order for the world to be illuminated, your bulb must be transparent. If these bulbs were the only light on earth and we looked down on the planet from outer space, how much light would we see, and would you be contributing to it? Matthew 5:16 shows that any attention we draw to ourselves has only one purpose: 

“…that they may see your good works and glorify God in heaven.”

After Daniel reveals the dream and its meaning to King Nebuchadnezzar, he points straight upward to his God – “…but there is a God in heaven…” You see, the other wise men of Babylon were focusing on the wrong source for their light of revelation. 

Humility can be hard, but it's absolutely essential if our true purpose on earth - to glorify God - is to be realized. If people around the world are only glorifying themselves, there is no light, and the world remains in darkness. Remember - I do not matter. You do not matter. On our own we don't, that is. God matters, and he makes us matter because of Him. When we are transparent, we allow the Light within us to shine, and that brings a glimpse of heaven down to this fallen earth.

P.S. - Do you have an example to share of how these have played out in your own life?


  1. Bethany! I love you so much. Thank you for being one of those lightbulbs that so obviously shines for Christ alone. The example of Daniel and his friends was such a great example of our need for each other AND humility! Wow! I had never considered that story in either of those lights. I'm eager to go back to that text and read it, thinking about the things you said. Thank you for that inspiration!

    I hope things are going well for you in Peru - I keep you in my prayers, and I love you and miss you! I know you are right where He wants you. <3 Love you, Bethany!!!

    1. Thanks, Hannah! Love you, friend! I'm excited for you to go back and read Daniel - I've been going through it recently, and I've noticed so many new things I never thought about before! Plus, it's good for the nerdy history side of me, too. ;)

      Everything is going great here! I really appreciate your prayers! Miss you SO much! <3
